Term 1 Week 2 | 7 February 2025
Principal - Mrs Megan Pearce

Dear Parents, Carers, and Students,
Welcome to all new staff, students and families and welcome back to all existing St Mary’s families. As your new principal, it's a great privilege to join such a vibrant and supportive community.
Reflecting on my own time as a student here, I feel deeply connected to our school's rich history and traditions. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to the former principals, staff and parents whose dedication and hard work have helped shape the school we enjoy today.
Thank you for trusting your child's education to us and thank-you for your ongoing commitment to our school community. Together, Mary’s we will continue to strive to provide opportunities for every child in our care to succeed and thrive. I look forward to getting to know each of you and working together to make our school an even more extraordinary place to learn and grow.
Thank you for taking the time to read our first newsletter. These newsletters play a vital role in keeping our school community informed and connected. I look forward to sharing these updates with you every second Wednesday on even weeks throughout the academic year.
Again, thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to our school community.
As we begin the term it is important for us all to have a clear understanding of our three core School Rules: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Safe. These rules guide our daily interactions and help create a positive environment for everyone. These rules are outlined in our School Behaviour Support Plan that can be found on the school website. Since day one this year we been focussing on making sure all students have clear understanding of these rules and expected behaviours and routines. Class rules have been developed and are displayed in each classroom.
This year, we are placing a strong emphasis on the values deeply embedded in our heritage -the Mercy Mindsets. Excellence, Hospitality, Justice and Compassion underpin everything we do and support the way we implement these rules. By embracing these values, we ensure that every member of our school community feels respected, responsible, and safe.
Rather than discarding the STAR values from previous years, we have aligned the Mercy Mindsets with our School Rules and the Mercy values. These mindsets are the foundation of how we interact, learn and grow together.

The Mercy Mindsets and how they align with our school rules:
- Excellence: We strive to do our best in all we do, aligning with our rules to Be Safe and Be Responsible. Creating a safe and secure environment for learning, while also taking responsibility for our actions and efforts.
- Hospitality: We create a welcoming environment for all, reflecting our commitment to Be Responsible and Be Safe, ensuring our school is a place where everyone feels they belong.
- Justice: We act with fairness and integrity, reinforcing our commitment to Be Responsible and Be Respectful, as we treat everyone fairly and uphold strong moral principles.
- Compassion: We show kindness and empathy towards others, aligning with our rule to Be Respectful and Be Safe, treating everyone with dignity and understanding.
We are currently updating our St Mary’s Student Behaviour Plan to reflect this alignment of the Mindsets with the school rules.
Over the next few weeks, we will introduce some additional ways of acknowledging students following the school rules as outlined below.
Mercy Merits Students following the rules will receive Mercy Merits. These will be recorded via an electronic avatar recording system. Once students accumulate enough points, they will be able to redeem or trad these points for class negotiated incentives during designated times the week.
St Mary’s Mercy Mindset Messages Positive message cards sent home that acknowledge students following the school rules and using the Mercy Mindsets.
Mercy Mindset Merit Awards These awards are given out weekly and will be awarded at Assemblies on Fridays. Parents will be notified the day before so they can organise time to be there.
Super Draw Every student who gets a Mercy Merit gets to go in the super draw that we be held each week from week 4 this term. Five names will be drawn out and those students will get to choose out of prize box.
We will be introducing these new ways of rewarding good behaviour with the students in each class over the next two weeks.
Prep - Mrs Bernice McPhee Year 1 -Mrs Sue Halloway Year 2 -Miss Shuana Gallagher Year 3 -Mrs Katherine Spalding Year 4 -Mrs Madisen Flaherty Year 5 -Mrs Kirsty Lines Year 6 -Miss Toni Lamb Physical Education -Mr Pete Lambourne Health -Mrs Suzie McInnes Library -Mrs Vanessa Alexander Learning Support Teacher - Mrs Majella Lynch-Harlow Curriculum Coordinator – Mr Tony Kim Assistant Principal: Mission Identity – Miss Imogen Hunt Principal – Mrs Megan Pearce | Amelia Leliki – School Officer – Classroom Support Mrs Melody Griegg – School Officer – Classroom Support Mrs Melinda Phillips - School Officer – Classroom Support Mrs Sarah O’Connor - School Officer – Classroom Support Ms Kalee Kidd - School Officer – Wellbeing Mrs Susan Williams - School Officer – Classroom Support Mrs Alice Short – School Officer – Library Aide Mrs Ann Russell – School Officer – WHS Ms Loretta Clayton – Administration / Finance Mrs Deidre Murray – Administration Mrs Trish Fisher – Cleaner Mr John Patterson – Groundsperson |
We know that strong partnerships between school and home are fundamental to our student’s growth and development. With the term underway we want to get our P.E.N Parent Engagement Network up and running as soon as possible.
Let’s start by having all interested parent come together on Tuesday 18th February from 5:30pm to find out about how the P.E.N Parent Engagement Network operates, and how we can get it up and running for the benefit of our school community. I would love to hear from you about your ideas for the future and get your input into how any money raised at the 2024 Fete should be spent. I will send an invitation to all families via the part portal. Please indicate if you can come so we can cater for the evening. That way you have dinner covered for the kids and frees you up to attend. We will provide pizza and poppers for any children and put on a movie while we discuss the plan our next steps.
My understanding is that the 2024 Fete was a great success and I will be sharing the report of any monies raised in the next newsletter. We will go through a consultation process with the P.E.N before any money raised is spent within the school.
To facilitate effective communication, we utilize the parent portal for daily updates, including:
- Entering student absences
- Teacher/parent classroom-specific communication
- Extra-curriculum information and events
- weekly school-wide updates
Please ensure you have activated your parent portal account and check it regularly. If you encounter any difficulties with the app on your device, our administration team is ready to assist you.
At St Mary’s we are always looking for ways to improve student well-being engagement and academic success. We are excited to share with you some important changes to our lunchtime routine that we believe will greatly benefit our students.
When reviewing our routines and well-being data at the beginning of the year, our staff identified that there was a large amount of lost learning time after each break. They found that a lot of time was spent dealing with lunchtime conflicts and children wanting to eat as they were still hungry.
After careful consideration and reviewing best practice in other schools, as well as insights from research, we decided to trial a flip our break time routine, so the students now play first and eat afterwards.
Our new routine now starts with a fruit break in the morning session, followed by playtime, and then eating time. This way, students play first, then eat, and then transition into learning.
When other schools have done this flip, they found that when children play first, they expend their energy and are more likely to sit and eat calmly rather than being distracted by the excitement of getting out to play. Teachers at schools who have implemented this flip report fewer lunchtime conflicts and overall improvement in student mood and concentration when they come back into the classroom.
We are pleased to hear that our teachers are finding this new structure having already reduced lunchtime conflicts and that students are better focused on learning.
We have also been seeking children’s feedback about the flip. Many children have expressed the importance of keeping lunches cool and mentioned that playtime wasn’t long enough to participate in interest clubs like choir. We have now ensured lunches are kept in the cool during playtime.
Teachers also agree that the children finish eating well before the end of the designated eating time and would benefit from more play, so from next week we will extend play time by five minutes.
We understand that changes in routine take some adjustment, but we are already seeing the improvement transitioning calmly into class after break without loss of learning time. We are re confident that his shift will benefit our students in many ways. Our staff have been and will continue to support students in adapting to the new schedule and we welcome any feedback from families.
Thank you for support in fostering a healthier and more effective learning environment for our students.
We have two new break time activities starting next week.
- Choir will be run by Miss Spalding during first break on Thursdays in the music room.
- STEM Club will be run by Mr Kim during first break on Mondays in the arts room.
Throughout the term Year 6 will organise other clubs and activities which will be supported by staff.
We are committed to providing the best possible learning experiences for our students both in the classroom and beyond. Water safety is a crucial life skill, especially in Australia, where water activities are a big part of our lifestyle. This year we are excited to continue our swimming program in a block format, rather that weekly lessons.
We have not yet set the date as we are waiting for confirmation on availability from our trainers but are aiming for weeks 8 for Year P-3 and week 9 for Yr 4-6 in term 1 and another block in term 4 leading up to the carnival. Once dates are confirmed all families will be notified.
Schools that have moved to a block format have found it a far more effective than weekly lessons.
- Faster skill development: Daily practice helps students build confidence and improve techniques more quickly
- Stronger Water Safety Awareness: A swimming block provides an immersive experience that helps students retain essential water safety knowledge from floating techniques to rescue strategies.
- Increased confidence and enjoyment: Frequent lessons reduce anxiety and make swimming a more positive experience
- Better use of time and resources: A focussed schedule minimises disruptions to the school week and maximises learning
The importance of trained teachers and volunteers
We will provide the opportunity for interested volunteers and teachers to gain training in swimming instruction and water safety. To ensure our swimming program runs smoothly and safely, it is essential that all teachers and volunteers involved in the program receive appropriate training. Having trained staff and volunteers provides:
- Increased safety: Knowing how to respond to emergencies, supervise effectively and support students in the water ensures a safe environment for all participants
- Consistent instruction: Trained teachers and volunteers can reinforce techniques and safety messages taught by profession swim instructors, helping students learn more effectively
- Confidence for students: Trained staff can guide students through challenges and encourage their progress
- Stronger Community Involvement: By equipping volunteers with the right skills, we create a more engaged and supportive school community. These skills can then be used in the wider community.
All interested volunteers and teachers are encouraged to come to a brief meeting in week 3 -Tuesday 11th February at 2:30PM TO 3:00PM - to share your knowledge of what has worked well in the past and find out more about the program training we will offer.
We are currently seeking a new Tuckshop Coordinator to join our school community. This paid position is 7 hours per week and will be advertised on the school portal in the coming week. If you have a passion for cooking and enjoy working in a school environment, we’d love to hear from you.
We also want to extend our heartfelt thanks to Alice Short for her dedication and hard work in running the tuckshop last year. Providing tuckshop for our kids is an invaluable part of our school, and we truly appreciate her efforts in providing delicious meals for our students and staff.
Best Wishes
APMI - Miss Imogen Hunt

Welcome to 2025
A warm welcome to our returning and new families as we begin another wonderful year at St Mary’s! When deciding our school community theme for the year, we have decided to go with ‘We all belong’. With the bigger picture of being ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ in our parish. Also, we are in a Jubilee year which is a year of prayer, pilgrimage and transformation that is celebrated in the Catholic Church.
If you would like to read some more information, please follow the link below -
Opening Mass
We invite all families to come along to our Opening Mass and Induction. This will be on Wednesday 19th February (Week 4) in the church for a 9am start. This is a time to acknowledge our new year 6 leaders, our new staff and start the new year fresh. The message of this mass is One Holy Family. Please see the invitation below (insert opening mass photo)
Ash Wednesday Liturgy
Ash Wednesday is on Wednesday, 5th March.
Our whole school Liturgy will be on this day at 9am in the Church. We would love to see you there to support our students as they mark the beginning of the Lenten season.
What will your Lenten promise be?
Sacramental Program
If you are interested in your child participating in the Sacramental program, would you please email me: imogen.hunt@twb.catholic.edu.au More information to follow regarding the Sacramental program.
A letter will be sent home with students in Year 4 about the sacramental program. This program is open to students in Year 4, 5 and 6. Students will complete Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Communion this year.
Harmony Week
This year, St Mary’s School will celebrate Harmony week in week eight. The theme for Harmony Week in 2025 ‘Everybody Belongs’. Details will be shared about this closer to the end of the term. At this stage, we will be having a Harmony Week Prayer Celebration led by the Year 1 students.
Looking forward to working with you throughout the year.
Warm regards,
Imogen Hunt
Curriculum Coordinator - Mr Tony Kim

Hello families and friends of St Mary’s!
My name is Tony Kim, and I have the privilege of serving as the Curriculum Coordinator at St Mary’s School for 2025. I am stepping into this role following Vanessa Alexander (some big shoes to fill!) as she transitions into her new position as School Librarian. My primary responsibility is to support our classroom teachers in providing the best possible education for our students. This involves leading and implementing curriculum development, ensuring all curriculum decisions align with educational standards, and organising professional development for our teaching staff to continue growing as educators.
As some of you may know, our Year 3 and 5 students will be completing their NAPLAN assessments this year. As the Curriculum Coordinator, I will be leading the planning and implementation of NAPLAN testing this term.
I always like to summarise my role as “doing the nitty-gritty, so the teachers don’t have to.”
Warm regards,
Tony Kim
Learning Support - Mrs Majella Lynch-Harlow

I hope that everyone has had a wonderful start to the 2025 school year! My name is Majella Lynch-Harlow, and I am very excited to join the team here at St Mary's as the new Learning Support Teacher. Our students all know me as Ms Majella.
My education journey has taken me from Ipswich to Ingham, Ayr, Thursday Island, Townsville, and now this beautiful part of the world! I have a real passion for rural and remote education – there is something special about small country towns and the amazing students who come from them.
I am currently studying my master’s in educational Neuroscience and am passionate about learning support and helping every student achieve success in their learning journey. My role involves working closely with our leadership team, our teachers and school officers as well as advisors and specialists to ensure students with diverse needs are supported in their learning. I will also be working with individuals and small groups of students for literacy support.
I look forward to getting to know all the students, families, and staff at St Mary’s. Feel free to say hi if you see me around!
We encourage all Year 3 and 5 students to actively participate in the NAPLAN assessments that will be occurring later this month. If your child receives additional support for their classroom learning, their teacher and I will discuss some of the accommodations that can be provided to make the NAPLAN tests more accessible for them. Communication with parents will be shared in the next few weeks.
Prep - Mrs Bernie McPhee
Welcome to St Mary’s Preppies!! We are already off to a great start in Prep. Students are settling into classroom routines and becoming more confident each day.
They are loving getting involved in Investigations each morning, where they are making some amazing creations. This week has seen students working as Focus children, reporters, and photographers. They are building up their speaking skills by talking to the whole class.

So many new and wonderful experiences to be had in Prep this year. I am enjoying getting to know each child and what they can do.

Please send us any empty food boxes, egg cartons, scrap material etc you may have, as we love creating things in Prep during Investigations.
Just a call out to any parents who have 15 minutes in the morning to help cut up our fruit for our shared fruit tray. We would be extremely grateful for your help.

Year 2 - Miss Shauna Gallagher
It has been a wonderful start to the year in Year 2. The students have been so eager to learn and settle back in after their summer holidays.
They visited the library on Monday to pick out some new reads for the week.

They learned about our Mercy Mindsets and created posters to show all about the Mercy Mindset in focus, ‘Compassion’.

Some of the fun learning that we did this week involved directing our elbow buddies, using adjectives on how they should draw their hidden monster.

In maths, we learned all about some new number strategies.

We had a great start to the year, and we cannot wait to see what else it has in store for us!
Year 5/6 Camp
5/6 Camp
Parents and carers are invited to attend our first camp meeting to be held in the library on
Tuesday 11th February at 5:30pm

January Birthdays
Prep - Kamila Johnson, Noah Heinemann, Isaiah Fromm
Year 1 - Stephanie O'Connor, Zayden Bailey, Jock Stirton, Katala Simpson
Year 2 - Jack Swadling, Keira Wilson,
Year 3 - Aria Richards, Harlow Thompson, Adam Elias, Pippa Ebsworth,
Year 4 - Jan Kenafake, George Swadling
Year 5 -Patty Castles, Lane Walker
Year 6 - Ben Gentle
Staff - Mrs Bernie McPhee, Miss Imogen Hunt, Mr Jesse Kupper
Happy birthday to the students and staff who celebrated their birthday in the month of January
February Birthdays
Prep - Havarna Avis, Cooper Schumacher
Year 1 - Harry Nguyen
Year 2 - Ivy Armstrong, Benji Slater
Year 3 - Mila Saunders
Year 4 - Tyson Ballard
Year 5 -She'Neil Martin-Pender, Lucas Thomson
Year 6 - Alex Martin-Pender, Zoe Ebsworth, Henry Lehmann
Staff - MIss Katherine Spalding
Happy birthday to the students and staff who celebrate their birthday in the month of February