Term 1 Week 4 | 21 February 2025
Principal - Mrs Megan Pearce
A Prayer for Pope Francis
APMI - Miss Imogen Hunt
Curriculum Coordinator - Mr Tony Kim
Learning Support - Mrs Majella Lynch-Harlow
Year 3 - Miss Katherine Spalding
Year 4 - Mrs Madisen Flaherty
Year 5 - Mrs Kirsty Lines
Year 6 - Miss Toni Lamb
Year 5/6 Camp
February Birthdays
Principal - Mrs Megan Pearce

Dear Families and Friends,
I am delighted to share that we have had a very settled and positive start to the school year. It has been wonderful to see our students engaging enthusiastically in their classrooms and enjoying their time in the playground.
On Wednesday morning, we celebrated our 2025 Opening Mass and the Induction of our Student Leaders. This special event was a truly lovely celebration, and it was wonderful to see how our students joining in singing so enthusiastically. We are grateful to Father Peter for leading the service and to all who participated in making it a meaningful experience. A big shout out to Miss Hunt for her organisation and skilful preparation of students and to Miss Spalding for sharing her musical skills.
Following the Mass, we proudly commissioned our new Student Leaders. This significant moment saw each leader pledge to uphold the values of St Mary's, marking the beginning of a journey where they will not only lead but also serve. Their roles include representing the student body, organizing events, and fostering a positive and inclusive school environment.
Congratulations to all our Student Leaders, we look forward to seeing the positive impact you will have on our school community.
Next week I will be away in Toowoomba at the Principal’s Conference that is held every term in week five. All the valuable information that I gain from the conference will be shared with you in our next newsletter. In my absence, Miss Imogen Hunt will be the Acting Principal. Should you have any questions, concerns etc please see Miss Hunt and she will be able to support you.
Thank you once again for your welcome and support. It has truly made my transition into this role smooth and enjoyable.

Join Us for St Mary's Family Race Day!
It is time to dust off your best race clothes and fascinators and come along to our St Mary’s Family Race Day on Saturday, 1st March. This event promises a day filled with activities for everyone. From the "Dash for Cash" to the Yabby Races, there is something for all ages to enjoy. Do not miss the "Fashions on the Field" competition, where you can showcase your style and win fantastic prizes. Try your luck with a ticket in one of our many raffles on the day.
St Mary's School traditionally hosts the first race meeting of the year, and we are incredibly grateful for the amazing support from our families and local businesses. Their generous donations and sponsorships have made this event possible, and we cannot wait to celebrate with our wonderful community.
Thanks to the Warrego Race Club for giving us the opportunity to raise funds for the Year 5/6 camp, with all proceeds from the canteen and entry fee going straight to this cause. Delicious food will be available for purchase, and your participation and support will directly contribute to making this camp a memorable experience for our students.
We encourage everyone to get involved, whether by participating in the races, volunteering, or simply cheering on the competitors. Your involvement helps strengthen our community bonds and shows our children the power of working together.
Invite all your family and friends to come along and join us for a day of laughter, excitement, and community spirit. We look forward to seeing you there!
Parent Engagement Network (PEN) at St Mary's!
This year, we are focusing on getting P.E.N up and running, and we warmly invite you to become an active participant in this vital part of our school community. On Tuesday18th 5:30pm we held a PEN information evening to gather interest, share information about PEN and to get parent input into ideas on how to spend funds already raised in 2024, before our AGM in week eight. It was wonderful to see a large turnout, and we greatly valued your input and support.
We will hold the 2025 Annual General Meeting will be on Friday the 21st of March at 5:30pm, beginning with the AGM and followed by the general meeting. The AGM is where we accept nominations for the positions of Chair (or President) and Secretary. To free parents up to attend, the This meeting will coincide with our ‘HARMONY DAY’ school disco, run by year 5/6 students.
What is PEN? PEN brings together the best of P&F and the School Advisory Council. The PEN is designed to bring parents together to enhance their children's school experiences. It provides opportunities for parents to meet, discuss, and contribute to various aspects of school life through specific working parties. These working parties undertake tasks, manage events, and lead initiatives aligned with the school's strategic and annual action plans.
We hope to see many of you at our upcoming P.E.N meetings and events. Together, we can make a significant difference in our children's educational journey and the overall school community. Let us make this year a great one for St Mary's!
Please note that the date for our Cross Country and Colour Run has changed due to school staffing commitments.
- 25/2/25 Tuesday District Netball Carnival
- 25/2/25 Tuesday STEM CLUB 1st break
- 27/2/25 Thursday Choir1st break
- 28/2/25 Friday Year 4 Assembly (project Compassion)
- 1/3/25 St Mary’s Family Race Day
- 4/3/25 Tuesday STEM CLUB 1st break
- 4/3/25 Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day)
- 4/3/25 Reconciliation Program begins 2:30 to 3:00pm
- 5/3/25 11:15am Ash Wednesday Liturgy
- 6/3/25 Thursday Choir 1st break
- OT/SLP Visit
- Jesse School Counsellor visits
- 11/3/25 Tuesday Reconciliation Program 2:30 to 3:00pm
- 12/3/25 NAPLAN (writing)
- 13/3/25 NAPLAN (reading)
- 14/3/25 NAPLAN (catch up day)
- 15/3/25 Friday St Patrick’s Liturgy and dress up day (wear green gold coin day)
- 17/3/25 Monday NAPLAN (language Conventions)
- 18/3/25 Tuesday NAPLAN (numeracy)
- 18/3/25 Tuesday STEM CLUB 1st break
- 18/3/25 Tuesday Reconciliation Program 2:30 to 3:00pm
- 19/3/25 Wednesday SCHOOL PHOTO DAY
- 20/3/25 Thursday NAPLAN (catch up day)
- 20/3/25 Thursday Choir 1st break
- 21/3/25 Friday HARMONY DAY -liturgy - organ themed disco
- 25/3/25 Tuesday STEM CLUB 1st break
- 25/3/25 Tuesday Reconciliation Program 2:30 to 3:00pm
- 27/3/25 Thursday Choir1st break
- 31/2/25 Monday Cross Country / Colour run.
- 1/4/25 Tuesday STEM CLUB 1st break
- 1/4/25 Tuesday Reconciliation Program 2:30 to 3:00pm
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Wishing you all a great week ahead
A Prayer for Pope Francis

APMI - Miss Imogen Hunt

Opening Mass
Thank you to all the families who were able to come along and celebrate our Opening Mass and Year 6 induction on Wednesday. It was so special to have families take part in celebration with the Year 6 students. Well, done to all our Year 6 leaders. We are all incredibly proud of you and cannot wait to see what your leadership will look like this year at St Mary’s School.

Miss Spalding has begun a choir on Thursday at first break. This provides an opportunity for students to join in at break time and learn upcoming hymns for school celebrations. Students from Prep – Year 6 are invited to attend each Thursday from 10:30am in the Music room.

Sacramental Program - 2025
The 2025 Sacramental Program at the St Mary’s School begins soon. Students from Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 are most welcome to join the program this year, which includes Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Eucharist. A parent information evening will happen on Week 6 - Tuesday 4th March 2025.
Sacramental Program letters have been sent home with Year 3 and 4 students. Families with Students in Year 5 and Year 6 who wish to be part of the Sacramental Program this year can collect Sacramental letters from Imogen Hunt in the office or you can contact me via email at imogen.hunt@twb.catholic.edu.au
Please note that students need to be baptised to participate in the Sacramental Program
Ash Wednesday Liturgy
Ash Wednesday is Wednesday, 5th March. Our whole school liturgy will be on this day at 9:00am in the church. We would love to see you there to support our students as they mark beginning of the Lenten season.
As we approach the season of Lent, we would like to share some information about this important period in the Catholic Church and how we will be partaking in it at our school.
What is Lent?
Lent is a season of reflection and preparation before the celebrations of Easter. Beginning on Ash Wednesday, Lent lasts for 40 days (excluding Sundays) and is a time for us to focus on penance, prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. This period commemorates the 40 days that Jesus spent fasting in the desert.
During Lent, many people choose to give up certain luxuries or habits as a form of sacrifice and self-discipline. It is also a time for individuals to engage in acts of charity and deepen their spiritual practices.
We hope that this season of Lent will be a meaningful and enriching time for you and your family.
Shrove Tuesday
Shrove Tuesday (4th March this Year), also known as Pancake Day, is the day before Ash Wednesday and marks the last day before the season of Lent begins. The term "shrove" is derived from the old English word "shriven," which means to confess one's sins. Traditionally, Shrove Tuesday was a day for people to prepare for Lent by using up rich ingredients such as eggs, milk, and sugar, which were often given up during the fasting period.
At our school, we will be celebrating Shrove Tuesday with a special pancake breakfast for the students. This will be a fun and engaging way for the children to learn about the tradition and significance of Shrove Tuesday. We encourage you to join us in this celebration and take the opportunity to discuss the meaning of Lent and Shrove Tuesday with your children.
Gospel reading shared during our opening mass- Luke 5: 1—6, 8-10.
One day Jesus was standing on the shore of Lake Gennesaret while the people pushed their way up to him to listen to the word of God. He saw two boats pulled up on the beach; the fisherman had left them and were washing the nets. Jesus got into one of the boats – it belonged to Simon – and asked him to push off a little from the shore. Jesus sat in the boat and taught the crowd. When he finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Pull the boat out further to the deep water and, you and your partners let down your nets for a catch.” “Master” Simon Answered, “we worked hard all night long and caught nothing. But if you say so, I will let down the nets.” They let down and caught such a large number of fish that the nets were about to break. When Simon Peter saw what had happened, he fell to his knees before Jesus and said, “Go away from me Lord! I am a sinful man!” He and the others with him were all amazed at the large number of fish they had caught. The same was true of Simon’s partners. Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will be catching people.”
- Simon's Response: Simon Peter initially expresses doubt and hesitation, yet he still follows Jesus' instructions. How does this moment illustrate faith and obedience? How can this be applied to our own lives when facing uncertainty or doubt?
- Transformation: Simon Peter goes from being a fisherman to becoming a "fisher of men." What does this transformation signify about Jesus' calling and the mission of His disciples? How might this relate to our own sense of purpose and calling?
- Leaving Everything: The passage ends with Simon Peter, James, and John leaving everything behind to follow Jesus. What does this act of leaving everything behind symbolise about the nature of discipleship and commitment? How can we draw inspiration from their willingness to give up their livelihood for a greater cause?
Thank you all for a lovely start to the term, I am looking forward to working with you all throughout the year.
Warm regards,
Imogen Hunt
Curriculum Coordinator - Mr Tony Kim

Happy Term 1 Hump Week to our Families and Friends of St Mary’s!
As we approach the middle of the term, our NAPLAN assessments are fast approaching. We will be conducting our practice exam next Wednesday (26th of February) during the middle session for both Years 3 and 5 students.
The practice test is crucial to ensure that any logistical issues that may arise gets ironed out prior to the official examination. It also provides the students with an opportunity to familiarise themselves with the NAPLAN Platform as well as the delivery format.
Please see below for the complete NAPLAN schedule starting from Wednesday in Week 7 to Monday in Week 9 (inclusive of catch-up sessions). All examinations will be completed during the Morning session.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding NAPLAN, please do not hesitate to get in touch via email at tony.kim@twb.catholic.edu.au.
Thank you for your continued support for our students’ academic success!
Tony Kim
Curriculum Coordinator

Learning Support - Mrs Majella Lynch-Harlow

At St. Mary’s, we believe in providing every student with the tools and support they need to thrive. We understand that each child is unique, with their own strengths and areas for growth. To ensure that all students are engaged and successful in their learning journey, we use a framework called Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS).

What is MTSS?
Think of MTSS like a ladder that helps every student climb to success, no matter where they start. It’s a way schools make sure every student gets the right support at the right time—whether they need a little extra help, a lot of support, or just the right challenges to keep growing. We use data from standardised tests, lesson observations and classroom assessments to identify whether students are learning and succeeding as expected, are excelling or require intervention. We reflect upon this information to consider how we can plan for personal learning so that every student can experience growth and success.
The Three Tiers of MTSS
Tier 1 – Support for Everyone
This is the strong foundation of learning that all students receive. It includes high-quality teaching, positive behavior support, and an inclusive classroom environment. Most students (about 80%) thrive with this level of support. Teachers use evidence-based practices to deliver engaging lessons, create a positive classroom culture, and ensure that every student feels included and valued.
Tier 2 – Extra Help for Some
Some students need a little more help, and that’s where small group interventions come in. This might mean extra reading support, social-emotional learning groups, or targeted math practice. These students still get all the Tier 1 support but with an extra boost. About 15% of students may receive Tier 2 interventions, which are designed to address specific learning or behavioural needs. These small group sessions are supported by a School Officer (teacher aid) or by the classroom teacher or learning support teacher. Students may require this additional support for a short period of time or may require ongoing Tier 2 support.
Tier 3 – Intensive Support for a Few
A small number of students (about 5%) need personalized, one-on-one support. This could involve more specialized instruction, therapy, or other resources tailored to their needs. Tier 3 interventions are highly individualized and may include collaboration with specialists and external resources to provide comprehensive support. The goal is to help the individual student to succeed just like everyone else. This does not mean “one-to-one” support for every subject and for every lesson, every day. How often and for how long students may require these intensive interventions are decisions made on a case by case basis and reviewed regularly.
Engagement: Keeping Students Connected and Motivated
Just like academic learning, all students should be provided with support in how to positively engage and behave as a learner. Tier 1 supports include clear expectations with examples and non-examples, effective praise, motivation/rewards, and whole-class social-emotional learning. Students requiring Tier 2 and/or Tier 3 support may engage in small group sessions to support emotional regulation, work with the school guidance counselor, and have individualized behavior support and risk management plans. These strategies help create a positive and supportive environment, ensuring that all students feel safe, stay motivated and connected to their learning.
Why MTSS Matters
MTSS ensures that no student falls through the cracks. It’s like having safety nets at different levels, so every learner—whether they’re struggling or excelling—gets what they need to reach their full potential. By providing tailored support and fostering a positive school culture, we can help every student achieve success and develop a lifelong love of learning.
We are committed to working closely with you to support your child's educational journey. If you have any questions or would like more information about how we implement MTSS in our school, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Year 3 - Miss Katherine Spalding

Hello families and friends,
I am excited to be with another wonderful Year 3 cohort this year. We have been off to a busy start. Here are some of the highlights from the past weeks:
In Mathematics, we have been learning about different units of time. We have been using stopwatches to time each other doing lots of different activities. In English, we have been learning about narratives. We have written our own variations of ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’ and ‘The Paper Bag Princess.’
In Religion, we have started to learn about Moses and the Ten Commandments. It turns out this Bible story has lots of interesting details! As a class, we have been practicing the mercy mindset of compassion. We know that kindness and courage are needed to show compassion. Furthermore, we have been investigating the difference between ‘bullying’ and ‘irregular bad choices’ and how we need kindness and courage to stand up and prevent bullying. We were able to share all this learning at our class prayer assembly at the end of Week 2! We want anyone who saw our assembly to remember to ‘GO MAKE A DIFFERENCE in the world’!
Below are some photos of the Year 3 students from the past couple of weeks. Looking forward to the wonderful year ahead.

From Miss Spalding and the Year Three Kids!
Year 4 - Mrs Madisen Flaherty

Welcome to 2025 Year Four families!
What a wonderful start to the year and term one we have had thus far! In year four we have an emphasis on teamwork and ‘filling our buckets’. The students have been doing an amazing job at this, and it is so wonderful to see them come together and excel. The students have been busy writing their holiday and weekend recounts each Monday along with sharing their stories in front of their peers. Additionally, the students have been participating in math rotations and collaborating with each other to support and encourage their teammates. I can’t wait to see what amazing and remarkable achievements this year brings for each individual student and our class.
Warmest regards,
Mrs Madisen Flaherty

Year 5 - Mrs Kirsty Lines

Year 5 News
Year 5 has had a successful start to 2025, we have enjoyed earning free time on a Friday, through our exemplary behaviour and work ethic.
We are a sporty class, with some of us away at regional swimming on Friday and others trialling for the district netball team on Tuesday 18th of February. We love our sport.
We enjoyed having Mrs C back for a few days last week and look forward to continuing to work with Miss Kidd and Mrs Williams.
Thank you to everyone who came to our prayer assembly on Friday, we hoped you enjoyed learning about St Valentine and had a good Valentines Day.
Until next time,
The Year Five Gang

Year 6 - Miss Toni Lamb
It has been an extremely exciting start in the Year 6 classroom. The students have been bright, bubbly, and eager to learn. They have been working hard in maths and have been learning some new techniques to improve their number fact recall. ‘Torture time’ as bad as it sounds, really is not that bad, from what the kids have tried, tested and reported back to me saying.
We looked into our school rules which include respect, responsibility and safety and created some posters of what these three rules look like and mean to them.
We have had some exciting show and tell brought in by students; soon the classroom will look like old McDonald’s farm, I think!
In our spare time we have eagerly been designing and organising alter cloth squares and senior shirts; it has been a very busy and jam packed few weeks.
We have had a great few weeks to begin the year and look forward to continuing with the same vibrant spirits and happiness.

Year 5/6 Camp

February Birthdays
Prep - Havarna Avis, Cooper Schumacher
Year 1 - Harry Nguyen
Year 2 - Ivy Armstrong, Benji Slater
Year 3 - Mila Saunders
Year 4 - Tyson Ballard
Year 5 -She'Neil Martin-Pender, Lucas Thomson
Year 6 - Alex Martin-Pender, Zoe Ebsworth, Henry Lehmann
Staff - MIss Katherine Spalding
Happy birthday to the students and staff who celebrate their birthday in the month of February